Monday, August 4, 2008

Home remedy for adult acne and black soap from africa acne

The blue light acne treatment helps kill off bacteria before the body's defenses can damage hair follicles. And it has been found to be very successful. Of all the patients who have tried the blue light acne treatment, 76% to 80% reported improvement in their acne condition.
This is rather a tricky subject as not many people are aware that science has not completely shown whether acne is directly controlled by what you eat or drink. My personal view on this is that if your body is in a toxic state i.e. living on junk food and fizzy sugared drinks which cause the production of certain hormones will surely cause acne. Going on a good medical detox diet will ultimately help get rid of the toxins in your body and significantly reduce the occurrence of acne. Fresh fruit and large helpings of vegetables are most beneficial to the prevention of acne.
A lot of people wonder how to stop acne in 1 day or if it's even possible. Well I'm here to reassure you that it is possible and that many people are already doing it. I'm going to present a few tips that will speed up the acne recovery, than I'm going to let you in on a secret known by Asia for Hundreds of years! If you follow these tips and you are not acne free within 1 day than you should go see a dermatologist because it may be more severe than you think. These tips work for more than 90% of the people that have tried it.
tags: acne and redness face wash, dermatologist recommended acne cures for dry skin, what to eat to get rid of acne

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